The title of this post is the popular quote of unpopular among liberals PM Netanyahu, delivered at his speech at the U.S. Congress (May 24, 2011). At the time when tensions are all time high in a view of Trump’s recognition Jerusalem as capital of Israel and Erdogan is spitting fire with incitory rhetorics and calls to “liberation of Jerusalem”, the words “Israel is not what is wrong about the Middle East, Israel is what is right about the Middle East…” are especially true.
The reality on the ground is that the Israeli rule of law and and order is the only force in highly volatile region that treats with utmost and equal respect the holy sites of all three religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the sites that make Jerusalem what it is. In one day I, a convinced atheist, visited all three holy sites of Jerusalem – Church of the Holy Sepulhre, Western Wall and Al-Aqsa without any hindrance. People of all religions walk around freely. Would it be possible under any other Middle East administration besides Israeli? I doubt so.
Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa – the powder keg of the Middle East
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